What is a “reading”?

A “reading” is a form of cartomancy using Tarot and/or Oracle cards, this is a practice which first appeared in the 14th century. Clients will ask a question, and then I will repeat the question before shuffling a deck of Tarot or Oracle cards to randomize the order. After this, either a card will fly out or I pull cards to make a “spread” in which the position of each card represents a specific meaning. I will then apply my understanding of Tarot, Oracle, numerology, astrology and color symbology to interpret the cards’ meaning in relation to your question. I do not believe Tarot or Oracle cards are capable of accurately predicting the future. The best use for Tarot cards is assisted guidance. In other words, I believe you will get the most out of a reading by explaining your situation and asking for advice rather than asking to predict the future. The Tarot represents all aspects of human consciousness, and consulting the deck for advice is an incredible way to gain a different perspective on problems you are facing. Check out my YouTube channel to see what a typical reading is like.

Are you a psychic?

Short answer: no. I prefer the term Intuitive. Psychic would mean that I believe I have ESP (extrasensory perception), but personally I think high empathy and intuition are natural powers all on their own! I can feel other peoples feelings during my readings and my intuition helps guide me to the truth.

What type of question should I ask?

Ask “how” questions, such as “how do I achieve _____” instead of “when/will I achieve _____”. I mostly answer questions about love/relationships and career advice. I LOVE answering questions about spiritual growth!

Are there any types of questions you won’t answer?

Yes! Please do not ask questions relating to health or pregnancy. Those are questions you should take to health experts. Also please do not ask for questions “beyond the grave”, as in questions for or about passed loved ones or friends. Do not ask questions about death, such as “when will I die?”. Do not ask for financial advice such as investing advice. I do not like to give “yes or no” questions, I do not feel like I can give an answer any more likely than a coin flip. I also do not like to answer questions related to timing, such as “when will I move jobs?”. Lastly, I do not like to answer questions for “general reading”, there are plenty of random Tarot card spreads online which will be able to give you as much detail as I can without providing additional information about yourself or situation.

What types of payments are accepted?

I currently only accept PayPal and credit/debit cards processed by PayPal.

How do I begin learning Tarot?

First step is to buy a deck! I highly recommend Rider Waite deck. It is perfect for beginners. Look into The Fools Journey through the tarot. It will help you learn the card meanings and teach you about a souls journey through life. After you get a feel for the cards, I recommend you begin learning more about the card meanings using the Biddy Tarot guide

I just bought a reading, what should I expect?

Live Reading:

First you should expect a confirmation email containing an order number. Please use this number if you need to contact me about an issue with your order. During my live stream I will read your question in the order it was received. I go live on YouTube and TikTok Thursday through Sunday at 6 PM EST. If you purchase a live reading outside of these times, you will be added to the list for the closest day that I am live (including the same day!) After the live stream ends, I will upload the entire live stream to YouTube and email you the link, so if you didn’t catch the live reading you can watch it there. If you are expecting this email and you do not see it, please check your spam folder!

Private Reading:

First you should expect a confirmation email containing an order number. Please use this number if you need to contact me about an issue with your order. I will record your video and upload it onto YouTube as soon as possible. The day you scheduled for will be the farthest possible date it may take for me to record it, upload it and email you the link. If you are expecting this email and you do not see it, please check your spam folder!


First you should expect a confirmation email containing an order number. Please use this number if you need to contact me about an issue with your order. You should later also receive a reminder email for your appointment. You have up to 24 hours to cancel this appointment for free. You can also reschedule anytime above 2 hours before the appointment for free. If you need to cancel within 24 hours, or do not show up to the appointment without rescheduling, you will receive a refund of 50% plus 100% of anything you tipped.

Shortly before your scheduled appointment time, I will add you on Skype using the Skype email you provided. Please try to be online within 5 minutes of the appointment so you can accept my request and ensure you get seen during the full 30 minutes scheduled.

If your question was not answered on this page, please contact me!